RPSC RAS Exam City Slip 2025 expected to be out today: Where and how to download

RPSC RAS Exam City Slip 2025 expected to be out today: Where and how to download

RPSC RAS Exam City Slip 2025: The Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) will issue the city intimation slip for the Rajasthan Administrative Services (RAS) Preliminary Examination today, January 26, 2025. This document will provide candidates with essential details such as the exam venue, timings, and reporting schedule for the exam, which is set to take place on February 2, 2025.

How to Download the RPSC RAS City Intimation Slip

To download the city intimation slip, candidates can follow these steps:
Step 1: Visit the official RPSC website at sso.rajasthan.gov.in.
Step 2: Look for the “RAS Exam City Slip 2025” link (once available) on the homepage.
Step 3: Log in using your SSO ID and password.
Step 4: Provide your application number and date of birth if prompted.
Step 5: Submit the details to view and download the city intimation slip.

Key details and upcoming admit card release

The city intimation slip will include all vital information regarding the exam venue, timings, and reporting time. Candidates are advised to download the slip as soon as possible and review it thoroughly to ensure they are well-prepared for the exam.
The admit card for the RPSC RAS Preliminary Examination, which is mandatory for entry to the exam, will be released on January 30, 2025. Candidates can access it via the official RPSC website using their application number and date of birth. Additionally, the admit card can be retrieved through the SSO Portal by selecting the “Recruitment Portal Link” under the “Citizen App” section.

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